Master Class: Your Hidden World of Subconscious Beliefs

Master Class: Your Hidden World of Subconscious Beliefs


Kultuurikatel, Stalker saal

95% or more of your thoughts, feelings, and brain activities are hidden from view, yet they influence and control your daily life – your perceptions, choices, decisions, and actions. They determine how you relate to yourself, to others, and the world. Dive into your subconscious mind and discover what it is made of.

Lion Goodman is a Professional Certified Therapeutic Coach, and founder of the Clear Beliefs Institute. He has more than 40 years of experience as an executive coach, counselor and healer. He is known as The Subconscious Pattern Detective.

He is the creator of The Clear Beliefs Method, a proprietary process for shifting beliefs at the core of the psyche, healing childhood wounds, and resolving trauma. More than 600 coaches, therapists, healers, and change agents around the world have graduated from his Clear Beliefs Coach Training.

Lion is the author of five books, including Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs; Creating on Purpose; Transforming Trauma; and Clear Your Beliefs.  He has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Central America, and China, working with organizations such as The Shift Network, Mindvalley, Defen Space, Luminary Leadership Institute, and Lifebook.

His articles have been widely published in books, magazines, and blog sites, including Choice Magazine for Coaches, Coaching Perspectives, GoodMenProject and YourTango. He has been featured on more than 100 summits, radio programs, podcasts, and television shows.

Previously, Lion spent 25-years in executive search and executive coaching, finding talent for  hundreds of companies and executives across the U.S., from Fortune 500 corporations to venture-funded start-up companies.

Thousands of coaches and clients have reported profound transformation from the Clear Beliefs Method.


09:10 – 09:30

We welcome you with morning coffee

09:30 – 11:00

The power of beliefs

Learn how your beliefs filter, color and shape your perceptions, and automatically limit your possibilities.

11:00 – 11:20

Energy break

11:20 – 12:20

Deleting limiting beliefs

Learn processes from the Clear Beliefs Training for deleting limiting beliefs from the psyche.

12:20 – 12:40

Energy break

12:40 – 14:00

Open new possibilities for your future

Create more room for your True Self to express. Heal the past and find more internal ease.

Open new possibilities for your future. Includes practical exercises and scripts you can use to continue your inner growth and development.

Master Class: Your Hidden World of Subconscious Beliefs


Kultuurikatel, Stalker saal

95% or more of your thoughts, feelings, and brain activities are hidden from view, yet they influence and control your daily life – your perceptions, choices, decisions, and actions. They determine how you relate to yourself, to others, and the world. Dive into your subconscious mind and discover what it is made of.

Lion Goodman is a Professional Certified Therapeutic Coach, and founder of the Clear Beliefs Institute. He has more than 40 years of experience as an executive coach, counselor and healer. He is known as The Subconscious Pattern Detective.

He is the creator of The Clear Beliefs Method, a proprietary process for shifting beliefs at the core of the psyche, healing childhood wounds, and resolving trauma. More than 600 coaches, therapists, healers, and change agents around the world have graduated from his Clear Beliefs Coach Training.

Lion is the author of five books, including Clear Your Clients’ Limiting Beliefs; Creating on Purpose; Transforming Trauma; and Clear Your Beliefs.  He has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S., Canada, Europe, Central America, and China, working with organizations such as The Shift Network, Mindvalley, Defen Space, Luminary Leadership Institute, and Lifebook.

His articles have been widely published in books, magazines, and blog sites, including Choice Magazine for Coaches, Coaching Perspectives, GoodMenProject and YourTango. He has been featured on more than 100 summits, radio programs, podcasts, and television shows.

Previously, Lion spent 25-years in executive search and executive coaching, finding talent for  hundreds of companies and executives across the U.S., from Fortune 500 corporations to venture-funded start-up companies.

Thousands of coaches and clients have reported profound transformation from the Clear Beliefs Method.


09:10 – 09:30

We welcome you with morning coffee

09:30 – 11:00

The power of beliefs

Learn how your beliefs filter, color and shape your perceptions, and automatically limit your possibilities.

11:00 – 11:20

Energy break

11:20 – 12:20

Deleting limiting beliefs

Learn processes from the Clear Beliefs Training for deleting limiting beliefs from the psyche.

12:20 – 12:40

Energy break

12:40 – 14:00

Open new possibilities for your future

Create more room for your True Self to express. Heal the past and find more internal ease.

Open new possibilities for your future. Includes practical exercises and scripts you can use to continue your inner growth and development.


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Kursi 3, Tallinn

Info: programmijuht Aira Tammemäe, [email protected], tel 5025548

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  • Aadress: Vana-Lõuna 39/1, 19094 Tallinn
  • Klienditugi: 667 0099 (8:15-17:00)
  • E-post: [email protected]