Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure

Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure


40 academic hours



In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement Azure IaaS services and features in their development solutions. The course covers provisioning virtual machines, using Batch Service to deploy/maintain resources, and how to create containerized solutions by using Azure Kubernetes Service.


The training is in English

Target audience:Students in this course are interested in Azure development or in passing the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification exam.

  • Students should have 1-2 years experience as a developer. This course assumes students know how to code and have a fundamental knowledge of Azure.
  • It is recommended that students have some experience with PowerShell or Azure CLI, working in the Azure portal, and with at least one Azure-supported programming language. Most of the examples in this course are presented in C\# .NET.

The results of the training You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement Azure Platform as a Service feature and services in their development solutions. Students will learn how to create and manage Azure App Service resources, integrate push and offline sync in their mobile apps, and how to document an API. Students will also learn how to create and test Azure Functions.

Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to leverage Azure storage services and features in their development solutions. It covers Azure Table storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Blob, and developing against relational databases in Azure.

You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to include Azure authentication and authorization services in their development solutions. Students will learn how identity is managed and utilized in Azure solutions by using the Microsoft identity platform. Students will also learn about access control (claims-based authorization and role-based access control) and how to implement secure data solutions. Throughout the course students learn how to create and integrate these resources by using the Azure CLI, REST, and application code.

Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to ensure applications hosted in Azure are operating efficiently and as intended. Students will learn how Azure Monitor operates and how to use tools like Log Analytics and Application Insights to better understand what is happening in their application. Students will also learn how to implement autoscale, instrument their solutions to support monitoring and logging, and use Azure Cache and CDN options to enhance the end-user experience.

This course will also address communication between apps and services. Students will learn how to create and manage their own APIs by using API Management, and how to use the different event- and message-based services in Azure within their development solutions. Throughout the course students learn how to create and integrate these resources by using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, REST, and application code

Length: 40 academic hours

The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.

The training price also includes:
teaching materials;

The exam can be taken at our Exam Centre.


  • Paul Cabrelli

    Paul has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer for over 19 years. Over this time he has delivered Microsoft Official Curriculum training including Windows Operating Systems, VB from version 5, Active Server Pages, Microsoft SQLServer, Microsoft BizTalk Server. His current skill set includes .NET Technologies, Azure , Dynamics 365 and Microsoft SharePoint.

    Prior to training Paul was a programmer developing applications in VB , C and Perl

    Specialist areas:

    • Microsoft BizTalk Server
    • ASP.NET (Webforms and MVC)
    • Windows Forms Development
    • C# and VB.NET
    • SharePoint
    • Azure
    • Dynamics 365

    Qualifications and professional membership:

    • Physics BSc
    • Post Graduate Certificate in Education
    • Computer Science MSc
    • Microsoft Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist
    • Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Advanced Developer

    Paul Cabrelli

    Paul has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer for over 19 years. Over this time he has delivered Microsoft Official Curriculum training including Windows Operating Systems, VB from version 5, Active Server Pages, Microsoft SQLServer, Microsoft BizTalk Server. His current skill set includes .NET Technologies, Azure , Dynamics 365 and Microsoft SharePoint.

    Prior to training Paul was a programmer developing applications in VB , C and Perl

    Specialist areas:

    • Microsoft BizTalk Server
    • ASP.NET (Webforms and MVC)
    • Windows Forms Development
    • C# and VB.NET
    • SharePoint
    • Azure
    • Dynamics 365

    Qualifications and professional membership:

    • Physics BSc
    • Post Graduate Certificate in Education
    • Computer Science MSc
    • Microsoft Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist
    • Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Advanced Developer
Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure


40 academic hours



In this course students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement Azure IaaS services and features in their development solutions. The course covers provisioning virtual machines, using Batch Service to deploy/maintain resources, and how to create containerized solutions by using Azure Kubernetes Service.


The training is in English

Target audience:Students in this course are interested in Azure development or in passing the Microsoft Azure Developer Associate certification exam.

  • Students should have 1-2 years experience as a developer. This course assumes students know how to code and have a fundamental knowledge of Azure.
  • It is recommended that students have some experience with PowerShell or Azure CLI, working in the Azure portal, and with at least one Azure-supported programming language. Most of the examples in this course are presented in C\# .NET.

The results of the training You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to implement Azure Platform as a Service feature and services in their development solutions. Students will learn how to create and manage Azure App Service resources, integrate push and offline sync in their mobile apps, and how to document an API. Students will also learn how to create and test Azure Functions.

Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to leverage Azure storage services and features in their development solutions. It covers Azure Table storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Blob, and developing against relational databases in Azure.

You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to include Azure authentication and authorization services in their development solutions. Students will learn how identity is managed and utilized in Azure solutions by using the Microsoft identity platform. Students will also learn about access control (claims-based authorization and role-based access control) and how to implement secure data solutions. Throughout the course students learn how to create and integrate these resources by using the Azure CLI, REST, and application code.

Students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to ensure applications hosted in Azure are operating efficiently and as intended. Students will learn how Azure Monitor operates and how to use tools like Log Analytics and Application Insights to better understand what is happening in their application. Students will also learn how to implement autoscale, instrument their solutions to support monitoring and logging, and use Azure Cache and CDN options to enhance the end-user experience.

This course will also address communication between apps and services. Students will learn how to create and manage their own APIs by using API Management, and how to use the different event- and message-based services in Azure within their development solutions. Throughout the course students learn how to create and integrate these resources by using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, REST, and application code

Length: 40 academic hours

The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.

The training price also includes:
teaching materials;

The exam can be taken at our Exam Centre.


  • Paul Cabrelli

    Paul has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer for over 19 years. Over this time he has delivered Microsoft Official Curriculum training including Windows Operating Systems, VB from version 5, Active Server Pages, Microsoft SQLServer, Microsoft BizTalk Server. His current skill set includes .NET Technologies, Azure , Dynamics 365 and Microsoft SharePoint.

    Prior to training Paul was a programmer developing applications in VB , C and Perl

    Specialist areas:

    • Microsoft BizTalk Server
    • ASP.NET (Webforms and MVC)
    • Windows Forms Development
    • C# and VB.NET
    • SharePoint
    • Azure
    • Dynamics 365

    Qualifications and professional membership:

    • Physics BSc
    • Post Graduate Certificate in Education
    • Computer Science MSc
    • Microsoft Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist
    • Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Advanced Developer

    Paul Cabrelli

    Paul has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer for over 19 years. Over this time he has delivered Microsoft Official Curriculum training including Windows Operating Systems, VB from version 5, Active Server Pages, Microsoft SQLServer, Microsoft BizTalk Server. His current skill set includes .NET Technologies, Azure , Dynamics 365 and Microsoft SharePoint.

    Prior to training Paul was a programmer developing applications in VB , C and Perl

    Specialist areas:

    • Microsoft BizTalk Server
    • ASP.NET (Webforms and MVC)
    • Windows Forms Development
    • C# and VB.NET
    • SharePoint
    • Azure
    • Dynamics 365

    Qualifications and professional membership:

    • Physics BSc
    • Post Graduate Certificate in Education
    • Computer Science MSc
    • Microsoft Certified Trainer
    • Microsoft Certified Technical Specialist
    • Microsoft Certified Professional Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Developer
    • Salesforce Certified Advanced Developer


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