09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
32 akadeemilist tundi
IT Koolitus
This four-days course additionally will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL-based relational databases.
Target audience:
The audience for this course is data professionals managing data and databases who want to learn about administering the data platform technologies that are available on Microsoft Azure. This course is also valuable for data architects and application developers who need to understand what technologies are available for the data platform with Azure and how to work with those technologies through applications.
Job role: Database Administrator
Preparation for exam: DP-300
Features: none
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Prerequisites to the course (recommended):
Successful Azure Database Administrators start this role with professional experience in database management and technical knowledge of cloud technologies.
At a minimum, you should know the information in the following online training before attending the course:
Training Principles:
The training is held in Estonian!
Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
Length: 32 academic hours
Access to the standalone exercise environment Microsoft Labs Online (MLO) for an additional fee.
Choose the Microsoft exam that suits you and buy it through IT Training 10% cheaper.
Koolituse läbiviimise põhimõtted:
Koolitus toimub eesti keeles!
Koolituse osad on toetatud praktiliste harjutustega õpilaborites.
Tunnistuse väljastamise eelduseks on koolitusel osalemine terves mahus.
Maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi
Lisatasu eest ligipääs iseseisvale harjutuskeskkonnale Microsoft Labs Online (MLO).
Vali endale sobiv Microsofti eksam ja osta see läbi IT Koolituse 10% soodsamalt.
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0688 Information and Communication Technology Interdisciplinary curriculum group
The training topics and description:
Module 1: The Role of the Azure Database Administrator
This module explores the role of a database administrator in the world of Azure. It also provides some foundational information relevant to the overall content. This includes a review of the various SQL Server-based options (SQL Server in a VM, Managed Instances, and Azure SQL Database.) Students will learn why compatibility level is a crucial concept when working with SQL databases in Azure. Students are also introduced to other database platforms available on Azure in addition to those based on SQL Server, in particular PostgreSQL and MySQL
Module 2: Plan and Implement Data Platform Resources
This module introduces methods for deploying data platform resources in Azure. You will learn about options for both upgrading and migrating existing SQL databases to Azure. You will learn how to set up Azure resources to host SQL Server on a Virtual Machine, a Managed Instance, Azure SQL Database and either PostgreSQL or MySQL. You will learn how to determine which options are best based on specific requirements including the High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) needs. They will learn to calculate resource requirements and create templates for their deployments.
Module 3: Implement a Secure Environment
This module explores the practices of securing your SQL Server Database as well as an Azure SQL database. This includes a review of the various SQL Server-based options as well as the various Azure options for securing Azure SQL Database as well as the databases with reside within Azure SQL Database. . Students will lean why security is crucial when working with databases. . Students are also introduced to other database platforms available on Azure in addition to those based on SQL Server, in particular, Azure Database for MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL
Module 4: Monitor and Optimize Operational Resources
This module will teach you about resource optimization for your databases created using either IaaS or PaaS services. The module also covers monitoring server and hardware resources. It will familiarize you with the various tools available for monitoring performance and establishing a baseline. You will learn how to interpret performance metrics for the most critical resources. You will also learn how to troubleshoot database performance using Azure SQL Database Intelligent Insights.
Module 5: Optimize Query Performance
Query execution plans are potentially the most important aspect of database performance. Improving bad plans is certainly an area where a small amount of effort can bring huge improvements. While hardware issues can limit query performance, improving hardware usually yields performance improvements in the 10-20% range, at most. More commonly database administrators encounter queries that are not optimized, have stale or missing statistics, have missing indexes, or poor database design choices that lead to the database engine doing more work than is necessary to return results for a given query. Improving the plans can sometimes yield performance improvements in the 100-200% range or even more, meaning that after improving a plan with better indexes or statistics, a query could run twice or three times as fast! This module provides details on how to analyze individual query performance and determine where improvements can be made.
Module 6: Automation of Tasks
A common goal for database administrators in many environments is to automate as many of their repetitive tasks. This can be as simple as using scripting to automate a backup process, and as complex as building a fully automated alerting system. This module provides details of automating tasks to simplify the DBA’s job. Methods include scheduling tasks for regular maintenance jobs, as well as multi-instance administration and configuration of notifications for task success or failure or non-completion.
Module 7: Plan and Implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery Environment
Data must be available when the business needs it. That means the solutions hosting the data must be designed with availability and recoverability in mind. Suppose you work for a company that sells widgets both in stores and online. Your main application uses a highly transactional database for orders. What would happen if the server or platform hosting the transactional database had a problem that made it unavailable or inaccessible for some reason? What impact would it have on the business? If the right solution is put in place, the database would come online in a reasonable timeframe with minimal effort, thus allowing business to continue with little-to-no impact. This module and its associated lab cover configuring, testing, and managing a solution for high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) in Azure, for both Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) deployments. This module will not only cover basic requirements, but also the various options available to achieve HADR.
More detailed information about the training/ Täpsemat infot koolituse kohta saad:
The training price also includes:
As an added value, we offer:
IT training is a cooperation partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's training card.
See you at the training!
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
09:30 – 11:00
I module
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45
II module
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
III module
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45
IV module
32 akadeemilist tundi
IT Koolitus
This four-days course additionally will be of use to individuals who develop applications that deliver content from SQL-based relational databases.
Target audience:
The audience for this course is data professionals managing data and databases who want to learn about administering the data platform technologies that are available on Microsoft Azure. This course is also valuable for data architects and application developers who need to understand what technologies are available for the data platform with Azure and how to work with those technologies through applications.
Job role: Database Administrator
Preparation for exam: DP-300
Features: none
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Prerequisites to the course (recommended):
Successful Azure Database Administrators start this role with professional experience in database management and technical knowledge of cloud technologies.
At a minimum, you should know the information in the following online training before attending the course:
Training Principles:
The training is held in Estonian!
Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
Length: 32 academic hours
Access to the standalone exercise environment Microsoft Labs Online (MLO) for an additional fee.
Choose the Microsoft exam that suits you and buy it through IT Training 10% cheaper.
Koolituse läbiviimise põhimõtted:
Koolitus toimub eesti keeles!
Koolituse osad on toetatud praktiliste harjutustega õpilaborites.
Tunnistuse väljastamise eelduseks on koolitusel osalemine terves mahus.
Maht: 32 akadeemilist tundi
Lisatasu eest ligipääs iseseisvale harjutuskeskkonnale Microsoft Labs Online (MLO).
Vali endale sobiv Microsofti eksam ja osta see läbi IT Koolituse 10% soodsamalt.
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0688 Information and Communication Technology Interdisciplinary curriculum group
The training topics and description:
Module 1: The Role of the Azure Database Administrator
This module explores the role of a database administrator in the world of Azure. It also provides some foundational information relevant to the overall content. This includes a review of the various SQL Server-based options (SQL Server in a VM, Managed Instances, and Azure SQL Database.) Students will learn why compatibility level is a crucial concept when working with SQL databases in Azure. Students are also introduced to other database platforms available on Azure in addition to those based on SQL Server, in particular PostgreSQL and MySQL
Module 2: Plan and Implement Data Platform Resources
This module introduces methods for deploying data platform resources in Azure. You will learn about options for both upgrading and migrating existing SQL databases to Azure. You will learn how to set up Azure resources to host SQL Server on a Virtual Machine, a Managed Instance, Azure SQL Database and either PostgreSQL or MySQL. You will learn how to determine which options are best based on specific requirements including the High Availability and Disaster Recovery (HADR) needs. They will learn to calculate resource requirements and create templates for their deployments.
Module 3: Implement a Secure Environment
This module explores the practices of securing your SQL Server Database as well as an Azure SQL database. This includes a review of the various SQL Server-based options as well as the various Azure options for securing Azure SQL Database as well as the databases with reside within Azure SQL Database. . Students will lean why security is crucial when working with databases. . Students are also introduced to other database platforms available on Azure in addition to those based on SQL Server, in particular, Azure Database for MariaDB/MySQL/PostgreSQL
Module 4: Monitor and Optimize Operational Resources
This module will teach you about resource optimization for your databases created using either IaaS or PaaS services. The module also covers monitoring server and hardware resources. It will familiarize you with the various tools available for monitoring performance and establishing a baseline. You will learn how to interpret performance metrics for the most critical resources. You will also learn how to troubleshoot database performance using Azure SQL Database Intelligent Insights.
Module 5: Optimize Query Performance
Query execution plans are potentially the most important aspect of database performance. Improving bad plans is certainly an area where a small amount of effort can bring huge improvements. While hardware issues can limit query performance, improving hardware usually yields performance improvements in the 10-20% range, at most. More commonly database administrators encounter queries that are not optimized, have stale or missing statistics, have missing indexes, or poor database design choices that lead to the database engine doing more work than is necessary to return results for a given query. Improving the plans can sometimes yield performance improvements in the 100-200% range or even more, meaning that after improving a plan with better indexes or statistics, a query could run twice or three times as fast! This module provides details on how to analyze individual query performance and determine where improvements can be made.
Module 6: Automation of Tasks
A common goal for database administrators in many environments is to automate as many of their repetitive tasks. This can be as simple as using scripting to automate a backup process, and as complex as building a fully automated alerting system. This module provides details of automating tasks to simplify the DBA’s job. Methods include scheduling tasks for regular maintenance jobs, as well as multi-instance administration and configuration of notifications for task success or failure or non-completion.
Module 7: Plan and Implement a High Availability and Disaster Recovery Environment
Data must be available when the business needs it. That means the solutions hosting the data must be designed with availability and recoverability in mind. Suppose you work for a company that sells widgets both in stores and online. Your main application uses a highly transactional database for orders. What would happen if the server or platform hosting the transactional database had a problem that made it unavailable or inaccessible for some reason? What impact would it have on the business? If the right solution is put in place, the database would come online in a reasonable timeframe with minimal effort, thus allowing business to continue with little-to-no impact. This module and its associated lab cover configuring, testing, and managing a solution for high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) in Azure, for both Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) deployments. This module will not only cover basic requirements, but also the various options available to achieve HADR.
More detailed information about the training/ Täpsemat infot koolituse kohta saad:
The training price also includes:
As an added value, we offer:
IT training is a cooperation partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's training card.
See you at the training!
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
09:30 – 11:00
I module
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45
II module
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
III module
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45
IV module
Registreerudes e-poe, e-kirja või telefoni teel, saadame Teile arve ja täpsema info osalemise kohta.
Üksteist päeva enne koolitust saadame Teile e-kirjaga meenutuse osalemise infoga.
Koolitusel osalemine on nimeline, kuid saate osalejat tasuta muuta kuni koolituse alguseni.
Koolituse eest tasumine toimub arvel viidatud arveldusarvele. Arve saadetakse maksja aadressile e-postiga. Arve tuleb tasuda enne koolituse algust arvel märgitud maksetähtajaks.
IT Koolitus on Eesti Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner. Tutvuge koolituskaardi infoga SIIN.
Täpsema info saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust telefonil 618 1727 või [email protected].
Kui te ei saa mingil põhjusel koolitusel osaleda, palun andke sellest teada e-posti aadressil [email protected]. Kui teatate mitteosalemisest vähemalt 10 tööpäeva ette, lepime Teiega kokku uue aja või tagastame 100% koolituse maksumusest. Tagastame koolituse osalustasu täismahus juhul, kui pole tehtud koolituse korraldamisega seotud kulutusi (ostetud õppematerjale jms).
Kui teatate mitteosalemisest 5-9 tööpäeva enne koolitust, kuulub tasumisele 50% arvest.
Hilisemal teavitamisel, koolitusele mitteilmumisel, sellest mitteteatamisel või koolituse poolelijätmisel õppetasu ei tagastata.
Vana-Lõuna 39/1, TallinnIT Koolitus | Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn | 6181727 | [email protected]