ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management


24 academic hours



The ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management course provides comprehensive first-level training for anyone involved in provision, support, or delivery of IT-enabled services in a modern digital organisation. It teaches the fundamentals of the very latest version of the most widely adopted guidance on IT service management (ITSM) in the world.

ITIL 4 Foundation introduces delegates to the Service Value System (SVS) which describes how all the components and activities of the organisation work together as a system to enable value creation. The ITIL SVS supports many work approaches, such as Agile, DevOps and Lean as well as traditional process and project management, with a flexible value-oriented operating model.

Target audience:This course is aimed at all levels of IT professionals, Customers, and Users involved in the provision or receipt of IT Services in any organisation.

In result of the training participants:

At the end of this three-day course, attendees will have an understanding of the following:

  • Key concepts in the ITIL 4 framework that build upon Lean, Agile, DevOps, and other practices, and how these enable business value to be co-created
  • The seven guiding principles of ITIL 4
  • ITIL service value system
  • The four dimensions of service management
  • The ITIL practices, with a focus on 15 of these, of which 7 will be covered in detail


Length: 24 academic hours

The training topics and description:


  • Service Management as a Practice
  • The Service Lifecycle
  • Key Principles and Models
  • Generic Concepts
  • Processes
  • Roles
  • Functions
  • Technology and Architecture

ITIL Qualification Scheme


Trainer:Andrew Jacobs


The training price also includes:
teaching materials;
a trainer's consultation on the topics learned by e-mail after the training;


You can participate in the training with the Unemployment Insurance Fund training card.

See you at the training!


  • Andrew Jacobs

    Andrew Jacobs

ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management


24 academic hours



The ITIL® 4 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management course provides comprehensive first-level training for anyone involved in provision, support, or delivery of IT-enabled services in a modern digital organisation. It teaches the fundamentals of the very latest version of the most widely adopted guidance on IT service management (ITSM) in the world.

ITIL 4 Foundation introduces delegates to the Service Value System (SVS) which describes how all the components and activities of the organisation work together as a system to enable value creation. The ITIL SVS supports many work approaches, such as Agile, DevOps and Lean as well as traditional process and project management, with a flexible value-oriented operating model.

Target audience:This course is aimed at all levels of IT professionals, Customers, and Users involved in the provision or receipt of IT Services in any organisation.

In result of the training participants:

At the end of this three-day course, attendees will have an understanding of the following:

  • Key concepts in the ITIL 4 framework that build upon Lean, Agile, DevOps, and other practices, and how these enable business value to be co-created
  • The seven guiding principles of ITIL 4
  • ITIL service value system
  • The four dimensions of service management
  • The ITIL practices, with a focus on 15 of these, of which 7 will be covered in detail


Length: 24 academic hours

The training topics and description:


  • Service Management as a Practice
  • The Service Lifecycle
  • Key Principles and Models
  • Generic Concepts
  • Processes
  • Roles
  • Functions
  • Technology and Architecture

ITIL Qualification Scheme


Trainer:Andrew Jacobs


The training price also includes:
teaching materials;
a trainer's consultation on the topics learned by e-mail after the training;


You can participate in the training with the Unemployment Insurance Fund training card.

See you at the training!


  • Andrew Jacobs

    Andrew Jacobs


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  • Klienditugi: 667 0099 (8:15-17:00)
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