09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
40 academic hours
IT Koolitus
During this five-days course students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems. Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for Windows 10. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows 10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10.
Target audience:
Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who perform installation, configuration, general local management and maintenance of Windows 10 core services. Candidates may also be familiar with enterprise scenarios and cloud-integrated services.
Job role: Administrator
Preparation for exam: MD-100
Features: none
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Prerequisites to the course (recommended):
Training Principles:
The training is held in Estonian!
Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
Length: 40 academic hours
Koolituse läbiviimise põhimõtted:
Koolitus toimub eesti keeles!
Koolituse osad on toetatud praktiliste harjutustega õpilaborites.
Tunnistuse väljastamise eelduseks on koolitusel osalemine terves mahus.
Maht: 40 akadeemilist tundi
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0688 Information and Communication Technology Interdisciplinary curriculum group
The training topics and description:
Module 1: Installing Windows
This module covers installing the Windows 10 OS. Students will learn the different editions of Windows 10, requirements, and new features introduced. This module covers how to install the OS, as well as methods for migrations and upgrading. Students will also learn about common tools used in the deployment process.
Module 2: Post-installation Configuration and Personalization
This module covers common post-installation tasks in Windows 10. Students will learn how to customize the user interface, as well as using the control panel and settings app to configure common OS settings. This course will also introduce students to Windows PowerShell. This module will cover how device drivers work and how they work. Students will also be introduced to managing and configuring hardware peripherals such as printers.
Module 3: Updating Windows in Windows 10
In this module, Students will learn about keeping Windows 10 up-to-date. Students will be introduced to the new Windows servicing model and how it applies to various scenarios. Students will learn the various different methods for updating Windows and applications, as well as managing updates using tools like group policy and Windows Update for Business.
Module 4: Configuring Networking
In this module, Students will learn about networking concepts. This module will introduce to IPv4 and IPv6, and concepts like DNS. Students will learn how to configure network settings in Windows, as well as learn about wireless network technologies. The module will conclude with methods of managing Windows remotely.
Module 5: Configuring Storage
This module covers storage configuration and management in Windows 10. Students will be introduced to local, cloud and virtual storage options. This course will also cover configuring storage on client devices and introduce storage spaces.
Module 6: Managing Apps in Windows 10
In this module, Students will be introduced to App management in Windows 10. This module will cover the different types of apps and supported installation methods. Students will learn how to install apps using manual and automated methods, as well as manage app delivery using the Windows Store. Finally, this module will cover the differences between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
Module 7: Configuring Authorization & Authentication
This module introduces the tools and features of Windows 10 for authorizing access to Windows 10 clients. Students will learn about methods for how users sign-in to Windows 10. This module also covers restricting what users can or cannot do on a device through methods like UAC and account types.
Module 8: Configuring Data Access and Usage
In this module, Students will learn about permissions. This module will cover considerations for different files systems. Students will learn how to configure file and folder permissions as well as shared folders. The module will conclude with configuring settings through methods such as local and group policy.
Module 9: Configuring Threat Protection and Advanced Security
This module introduces students to protecting devices from external threats. Students will learn about the different types of common threats. This module will teach students about using encryption, firewalls, and IPSec to help protect against threats. The module will conclude with how to configure and use Windows Defender and AppLocker.
Module 10: Supporting the Windows 10 Environment
This module will cover the Windows 10 architecture and common environments. Students will be introduced to the various tools used in maintaining Windows. This module will also discuss methodologies for effectively troubleshooting issues and how to proactively manage and optimize Windows 10.
Module 11: Troubleshooting Files & Applications
This module helps students plan for file backup and recovery. Students will learn how to plan and configure data protection strategies and how to perform various file and system recovery methods. This module also includes common methods for troubleshooting application installation issues, compatibility issues, and resolving browser issues.
Module 12: Troubleshooting the OS
In this module, Students will learn how to troubleshoot startup and service issues related to the operating system. This module will teach the different startup and recovery options, and how to troubleshoot different Windows services.
Module 13: Troubleshooting Hardware and Drivers
This module introduces hardware troubleshooting. Students will learn about driver management and how to troubleshoot devices. Students will also learn steps for troubleshooting system hardware and external peripherals such as USB drives and printers, including diagnostic methods and remediation.
More detailed information about the training/ Täpsemat infot koolituse kohta saad:
The training price also includes:
As an added value, we offer:
IT training is a cooperation partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's training card.
We also recommend that you get acquainted with the in-service training grants offered by the Unemployment Insurance Fund to employers: the training allowance for employers and the reimbursement of the employee's training expenses to the employer.
See you at training!
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
09:30 – 11:00
I module
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45
II module
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
III module
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45
IV module
40 academic hours
IT Koolitus
During this five-days course students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems. Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for Windows 10. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows 10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10.
Target audience:
Candidates for this exam are IT professionals who perform installation, configuration, general local management and maintenance of Windows 10 core services. Candidates may also be familiar with enterprise scenarios and cloud-integrated services.
Job role: Administrator
Preparation for exam: MD-100
Features: none
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Prerequisites to the course (recommended):
Training Principles:
The training is held in Estonian!
Each learning module is supported by practical exercises with hands-on laboratories.
The prerequisite for issuing the certificate is full participation in training.
Length: 40 academic hours
Koolituse läbiviimise põhimõtted:
Koolitus toimub eesti keeles!
Koolituse osad on toetatud praktiliste harjutustega õpilaborites.
Tunnistuse väljastamise eelduseks on koolitusel osalemine terves mahus.
Maht: 40 akadeemilist tundi
Continuing Education Curriculum Group: 0688 Information and Communication Technology Interdisciplinary curriculum group
The training topics and description:
Module 1: Installing Windows
This module covers installing the Windows 10 OS. Students will learn the different editions of Windows 10, requirements, and new features introduced. This module covers how to install the OS, as well as methods for migrations and upgrading. Students will also learn about common tools used in the deployment process.
Module 2: Post-installation Configuration and Personalization
This module covers common post-installation tasks in Windows 10. Students will learn how to customize the user interface, as well as using the control panel and settings app to configure common OS settings. This course will also introduce students to Windows PowerShell. This module will cover how device drivers work and how they work. Students will also be introduced to managing and configuring hardware peripherals such as printers.
Module 3: Updating Windows in Windows 10
In this module, Students will learn about keeping Windows 10 up-to-date. Students will be introduced to the new Windows servicing model and how it applies to various scenarios. Students will learn the various different methods for updating Windows and applications, as well as managing updates using tools like group policy and Windows Update for Business.
Module 4: Configuring Networking
In this module, Students will learn about networking concepts. This module will introduce to IPv4 and IPv6, and concepts like DNS. Students will learn how to configure network settings in Windows, as well as learn about wireless network technologies. The module will conclude with methods of managing Windows remotely.
Module 5: Configuring Storage
This module covers storage configuration and management in Windows 10. Students will be introduced to local, cloud and virtual storage options. This course will also cover configuring storage on client devices and introduce storage spaces.
Module 6: Managing Apps in Windows 10
In this module, Students will be introduced to App management in Windows 10. This module will cover the different types of apps and supported installation methods. Students will learn how to install apps using manual and automated methods, as well as manage app delivery using the Windows Store. Finally, this module will cover the differences between Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge.
Module 7: Configuring Authorization & Authentication
This module introduces the tools and features of Windows 10 for authorizing access to Windows 10 clients. Students will learn about methods for how users sign-in to Windows 10. This module also covers restricting what users can or cannot do on a device through methods like UAC and account types.
Module 8: Configuring Data Access and Usage
In this module, Students will learn about permissions. This module will cover considerations for different files systems. Students will learn how to configure file and folder permissions as well as shared folders. The module will conclude with configuring settings through methods such as local and group policy.
Module 9: Configuring Threat Protection and Advanced Security
This module introduces students to protecting devices from external threats. Students will learn about the different types of common threats. This module will teach students about using encryption, firewalls, and IPSec to help protect against threats. The module will conclude with how to configure and use Windows Defender and AppLocker.
Module 10: Supporting the Windows 10 Environment
This module will cover the Windows 10 architecture and common environments. Students will be introduced to the various tools used in maintaining Windows. This module will also discuss methodologies for effectively troubleshooting issues and how to proactively manage and optimize Windows 10.
Module 11: Troubleshooting Files & Applications
This module helps students plan for file backup and recovery. Students will learn how to plan and configure data protection strategies and how to perform various file and system recovery methods. This module also includes common methods for troubleshooting application installation issues, compatibility issues, and resolving browser issues.
Module 12: Troubleshooting the OS
In this module, Students will learn how to troubleshoot startup and service issues related to the operating system. This module will teach the different startup and recovery options, and how to troubleshoot different Windows services.
Module 13: Troubleshooting Hardware and Drivers
This module introduces hardware troubleshooting. Students will learn about driver management and how to troubleshoot devices. Students will also learn steps for troubleshooting system hardware and external peripherals such as USB drives and printers, including diagnostic methods and remediation.
More detailed information about the training/ Täpsemat infot koolituse kohta saad:
The training price also includes:
As an added value, we offer:
IT training is a cooperation partner of the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund's training card.
We also recommend that you get acquainted with the in-service training grants offered by the Unemployment Insurance Fund to employers: the training allowance for employers and the reimbursement of the employee's training expenses to the employer.
See you at training!
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
Koolituskogemus ja valdkonnad Henn koolitab IT Koolituses juba üle 25 aasta. Koolituskogemus oli tal ka varem – jagas paar aastat teadmisi Novelli administraatoritele. IT Koolituses on ta keskendunud peamiselt (aga mitte ainult) Microsofti toodetele, seda nii tavakasutajatele (Excelist Visioni) kuni süsteemiadministraatorite ja programmeerijateni. Peamiselt siiski kõik, mis puudutab andmebaase (SQL) ja ärianalüüsi (BI, Excel).
Tugevused koolitajana
Hoolimata sellest, et Henn on 25+ aastat klassi ees seisnud, ei ole ta kaotanud sidet igapäevase eluga: vahepeal on ta loonud arendusettevõtte ja jõudnud selle maha müüa; on konsulteerinud ja juurutanud süsteeme mitmes ettevõttes, peab talu ja korraldab sulgpallivõistlusi. Pidev side tegeliku eluga on see, mis aitab Hennul olla ekspert ja usaldusväärne allikas ka teadmiste jagamisel. Hennu enda õppimisvõime ja üle 60 sooritatud erialaeksami võimaldab õppijaid suurepäraselt mõista ning on tugevuseks ka koolitajana.
Sertifikaadid ja tunnistused
09:15 – 09:30
The training takes place at Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn, IT Training premises. You can park in the Europark car park at Veerenni 36, EP63.
09:30 – 11:00
I module
11:00 – 11:15
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45
II module
12:45 – 13:30
13:30 – 15:00
III module
15:00 – 15:15
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:45
IV module
Registreerudes e-poe, e-kirja või telefoni teel, saadame Teile arve ja täpsema info osalemise kohta.
Üksteist päeva enne koolitust saadame Teile e-kirjaga meenutuse osalemise infoga.
Koolitusel osalemine on nimeline, kuid saate osalejat tasuta muuta kuni koolituse alguseni.
Koolituse eest tasumine toimub arvel viidatud arveldusarvele. Arve saadetakse maksja aadressile e-postiga. Arve tuleb tasuda enne koolituse algust arvel märgitud maksetähtajaks.
IT Koolitus on Eesti Töötukassa koolituskaardi koostööpartner. Tutvuge koolituskaardi infoga SIIN.
Täpsema info saamiseks võtke meiega ühendust telefonil 618 1727 või [email protected].
Kui te ei saa mingil põhjusel koolitusel osaleda, palun andke sellest teada e-posti aadressil [email protected]. Kui teatate mitteosalemisest vähemalt 10 tööpäeva ette, lepime Teiega kokku uue aja või tagastame 100% koolituse maksumusest. Tagastame koolituse osalustasu täismahus juhul, kui pole tehtud koolituse korraldamisega seotud kulutusi (ostetud õppematerjale jms).
Kui teatate mitteosalemisest 5-9 tööpäeva enne koolitust, kuulub tasumisele 50% arvest.
Hilisemal teavitamisel, koolitusele mitteilmumisel, sellest mitteteatamisel või koolituse poolelijätmisel õppetasu ei tagastata.
Vana-Lõuna 39/1, TallinnIT Koolitus | Vana-Lõuna 39/1, Tallinn | 6181727 | [email protected]