Marketing Analytics Conference

Stop wasting youd marketing money!

Marketing Analytics Conference




89p 9t 56m


Film museum

Join the first Pan-Baltic Marketing Analytics Conference, where top European experts will guide you on using analytics to optimize your marketing efforts and maximize budget efficiency. After attending, you will ensure that every marketing euro is well spent!

Full program and all info can find HERE.

Reason to attend the conference: 

  • Gain insights from world-class leaders on leveraging modern marketing performance analytics for maximum business impact;
  • Learn how to optimize every euro of your marketing budget;
  • Master the steps to build a comprehensive analytics process;
  • Develop a strategic plan for data collection, enrichment and implementation to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing activities. 

Mark your calendar for January 23 in Tallinn and discover how to stop wasting your marketing budget! 

Who should definitely attend the conference? 

CMOs, CEOs, CFOs, Digital Marketing Managers, Social Media Managers, Brand Managers, Communication Managers. If you are responsible for driving marketing ROI, managing budgets, or shaping brand performance, this event is tailored for you! 

Marketing Analytics Conference




89p 9t 56m


Film museum

Join the first Pan-Baltic Marketing Analytics Conference, where top European experts will guide you on using analytics to optimize your marketing efforts and maximize budget efficiency. After attending, you will ensure that every marketing euro is well spent!

Full program and all info can find HERE.

Reason to attend the conference: 

  • Gain insights from world-class leaders on leveraging modern marketing performance analytics for maximum business impact;
  • Learn how to optimize every euro of your marketing budget;
  • Master the steps to build a comprehensive analytics process;
  • Develop a strategic plan for data collection, enrichment and implementation to enhance the effectiveness of your marketing activities. 

Mark your calendar for January 23 in Tallinn and discover how to stop wasting your marketing budget! 

Who should definitely attend the conference? 

CMOs, CEOs, CFOs, Digital Marketing Managers, Social Media Managers, Brand Managers, Communication Managers. If you are responsible for driving marketing ROI, managing budgets, or shaping brand performance, this event is tailored for you! 


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Sellisel juhul tagastame laekunud osalustasu või tühistame veel tasumata arve.

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© AS Äripäev 2000-2024
  • Aadress: Vana Lõuna 39/1, 19094 Tallinn
  • Klienditugi: 667 0099 (8:15-17:00)
  • E-post: [email protected]