Pärnu Supply Chain Conference 2021


Tartu Concert Hall Vanemuine

Pärnu Supply Chain Conference 2021

Please note that the DATE AND PLACE OF THE CONFERENCE HAVE BEEN CHANGED! The conference will be held in TARTU Concert Hall on September 9-10, 2021.

The 8th Pärnu Supply Chain Conference brings together people involved in the supply chain of different fields to share important trends, best practices and foster cooperation.

“What you don’t measure, you cannot manage,” and “What you measure, you will receive” are two slogans that every manager has come into contact with, either in the positive or negative sense. In March 2021, however, we will take a closer look at measuring the supply chain.

We will talk about choosing metrics and targeting; measuring aids, and the relationship between metrics and motivation. We will measure parts of the supply chain: purchase management, production organization, and logistics. We will also measure e-commerce and the supply chain as a whole.

In six sessions, we will move from the general to the specific, and will discuss:

  • measuring the world economy;
  • measuring supply chains;
  • measuring the success of a company;
  • measuring the success of supply chain fields.

In every field, we will provide you with the bigger picture, i.e., the best practices, and will listen to the stories of companies. 

The program manager of the Pärnu Supply Chain Conference 2021 is Hele Hammer.

The Conference is moderated by top executive Tõnu Vanajuur.

The Pärnu Supply Chain Conference will be organized as a hybrid conference. You can view the Conference both on-site as well as online

The working languages in the main hall are Estonian and English with simultaneous interpreting, which provides an excellent opportunity to come and participate with colleagues and partners from other countries. Workshops and company visits are without translation – you can find more detailed information on the program.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Seoses COVID-19 viiruse leviku ja vabariigi valitsuse poolt kehtestatud piirangutega ürituste korraldamisel, kontrollime sissepääsul COVID-19 tervisetõendit või teisi osalema lubavaid dokumente. Palume kohale tulla ajavaruga. Lisainfo on ära toodud ka osalemistingimustes.

Additional information: Anu Soomets, [email protected]

We ask any companies interested in presenting their products and services to send a letter to the e-mail [email protected].



09:00 – 10:00

Registration and morning coffee


10:00 – 11:45

SESSION 1: The world and the economy

10:00–10:15 Welcome!

Hando Sinisalu, journalist, founder and CEO at Best Marketing, Moderator of the Conference

10:15–11:00 Cloudy Waters: Steering post-Covid supply chains through the challenges to come

Len Pannett, President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), supply chain expert

The 2020 Covid pandemic saw unprecedented disruption to supply chains globally. After focussing on the safety of their own personnel and their business continuity, many supply chain leaders were driven to accelerate changes to cope with the challenging conditions. In the gloom of the pandemic’s effects, there were several lessons learned that will continue to shape the needs of supply chains as we look to the post-Covid vaccine future. At the same time, supply chains have never had such a wealth of ideas, methodologies and tools at their disposal, complicating the choices that leaders must make. This talk will look at those key lessons and consider where supply chain leaders must focus to be better prepared to face the challenges to come.

11:00–11:45 Discussion: which signs should be taken into account in the economy?

Kaspar Oja, economist at Eesti Pank

Heido Vitsur, economic advisor to the President of Estonia

Raivo Vare, entrepreneur and economic expert

2021 should be a better year than 2020. Will the vaccination of people contribute to the new growth of the economy? What is the bigger picture regarding the current situation? What does the crisis actually mean for transport and supply chains? Which signs and metrics should be monitored in the economy in the near future, in order to make better decisions?

11:45 – 12:15

Coffee break & networking


12:15 – 13:45

SESSION 2: Best practice for measuring performance

12:15–12:55 Measuring performance and KPIs of the supply chain

Indrek Saul, growth coach

If you don’t measure, you cannot manage. But what is the best practice for measuring the performance of companies? What are the key performance indicators of a company and the supply chain, and how does one use these? Does the performance of the supply chain affect the performance of the company, and if so, then how?

12:55–13:20 The Pipelife experience: applying BI software in the supply chain

Anti Orav, CEO of Pipelife Eesti that produces pipe systems

Within the past five years, Pipelife’s operative focus has shifted from pipe production to the functioning of the supply chain. In the past year, the company had a digital audit performed, which helped to shape the overall picture and understand where the problems lie and what should be done. Pipelife has adopted new solutions both in logistics and production, and a lot of attention has been drawn to the quality of data. In the presentation, we will talk about how the company measures its performance and supply chain, and how this measurement has changed over time. Adopting new software has also played an important role – what kind of effect has this had on performance? Has the coronavirus crisis changed anything in measurement, and if so, then what? The presentation will also discuss people.

13:20–13:45 Alexela's experience: Measurement guarantees results only if you measure the right things

Tarmo Kärsna Member of the Management Board at Alexela

As a fuel retailer, Alexela's supply chain is different from that of a traditional dealer. Does this mean that the metrics are different? In the presentation, we will hear about Alexela's experience in formulating goals, selecting appropriate key metrics, and using business analytics.

13:45 – 14:40

Lunch & networking


14:40 – 16:15

SESSION 3: Systems for measuring procurement and purchase management

14:40–15:10 Procurement and purchase activity as important parts of the supply chain, but not only

Kerttily Golubeva, expert and coach of procurement and supply chain management, lecturer at TalTech and the Tallinn School of Economics

Every function always has an input and an output. What is the role of procurement and purchase activity when supply chain processes are managed from consumer wishes to production? How about when the supply chain is viewed as a journey of goods from suppliers to production?

15:10–15:30 Experience: from the need of the consumer to production

Joonas Lahe, former head of the Estonian and Latvian supply chain of Carlsberg Group, and current supply chain manager of the chemical company Chemi-Pharm

The supply chain is one of the basic pillars of every production company in bringing their strategic vision to life. When there is no harmony between commercial activities and the supply chain, the organisation becomes deadlocked. In the presentation, we will cover how to set up the system of managing supply chain performance in such a way that it would support bringing the company strategy to life.

15:30–15:50 The Comudule experience: formation of the supply chain and key performance indicators

Brit Vaga, supply chain manager at Comodule

Comodule is a rapidly growing manufacturer and lessor of electric scooters, that has now also fired up their very own factory. How has the start-up been able to accomplish good performance in the supply chain and in production activity? In the presentation, we will hear in more detail about the company’s experience so far, from sourcing production and purchase activities, to opening their own factory and setting up their own procurement and purchase activities. How does the implementation of the system of metrics fare, and what are the key factors in achieving good performance of the start-up?

15:50–16:15 The SEB experience: purchasing and measuring services

Kaspar Kivistik, Head of the Procurement Department at SEB Eesti

What role does a procurement department play in a financial company, and what does a service company have to do with the supply chain? In the presentation, we will focus on the work of the procurement department of SEB Bank, and will investigate the role of the department in the company and which metrics are being used. Does this differ from the work of the procurement department of a production company, and if so, then how? We ask, has measuring changed over time and how, as well as how are metrics communicated?

16:15 – 16:30

Splitting up into workshops and company visits


16:30 – 18:30


Sven Uustalu Product Manager of Value Added Services at Telema

Raul Silde Head of Implementation Department at Telema

MIT Beer game – Challenge of Supply Chain Management (In Estonian) At the request of the participants, the world’s most famous supply chain management game will be back at the Pärnu Supply Chain Conference. MIT Beer game was created in the 1960s by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In this simulation, too, metrics and people’s responses to measuring the results play a key role. The game has been played by tens of thousands of people all over the world, from students to managers of large companies. In Estonia, there are more than 120 teams. Come and put your skills to test and compare your results with other teams!

Pre-registration is open

16:30 – 18:00


Len Pannett, President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), supply chain expert

Building a Metrics-Driven Supply Chain (in English) Len presents a framework to identify the right metrics, define them, populate them, present them. I take the participants through the steps and we discuss the barriers that they've faced today. I also introduce the use of automation (including RPA) to collect and present data.

Pre-registration is closed

16:30 – 18:00


Indrek Saul Growth coach

Determining the strategic metrics of a company (in Estonian) In the practical workshop, we determine the strategic metrics for a company, using the objective tree method.

For this, we combine:

  • the vision and ambition of the company;
  • the strategic goals and sources of growth that are necessary to achieve the vision;
  • engines of growth and efficiency (such as the number of customers, number of orders, price, changing direct expenditure) that determine the performance indicators of a company;
  • activities and developments that affect these engines. Next, we prioritise these activities and developments by their effect on the engines and get to know the key activities that must definitely be measured using performance indicators.

Then, we define the metrics – how to measures these, in which measurement units, how often, and who does the measuring. Pre-registration is closed

16:30 – 18:20

Company Visits

Company Visits will be guided in Estonian language without translation.



The first conference day will end at the Science Centre Ahhaa (Sadama 1) with a buffet dinner, networking, and music made by a pop-electronic duo Púr Múdd .
Pärnu Supply Chain Conference 2021


Tartu Concert Hall Vanemuine

Please note that the DATE AND PLACE OF THE CONFERENCE HAVE BEEN CHANGED! The conference will be held in TARTU Concert Hall on September 9-10, 2021.

The 8th Pärnu Supply Chain Conference brings together people involved in the supply chain of different fields to share important trends, best practices and foster cooperation.

“What you don’t measure, you cannot manage,” and “What you measure, you will receive” are two slogans that every manager has come into contact with, either in the positive or negative sense. In March 2021, however, we will take a closer look at measuring the supply chain.

We will talk about choosing metrics and targeting; measuring aids, and the relationship between metrics and motivation. We will measure parts of the supply chain: purchase management, production organization, and logistics. We will also measure e-commerce and the supply chain as a whole.

In six sessions, we will move from the general to the specific, and will discuss:

  • measuring the world economy;
  • measuring supply chains;
  • measuring the success of a company;
  • measuring the success of supply chain fields.

In every field, we will provide you with the bigger picture, i.e., the best practices, and will listen to the stories of companies. 

The program manager of the Pärnu Supply Chain Conference 2021 is Hele Hammer.

The Conference is moderated by top executive Tõnu Vanajuur.

The Pärnu Supply Chain Conference will be organized as a hybrid conference. You can view the Conference both on-site as well as online

The working languages in the main hall are Estonian and English with simultaneous interpreting, which provides an excellent opportunity to come and participate with colleagues and partners from other countries. Workshops and company visits are without translation – you can find more detailed information on the program.

Please note that the schedule is subject to change.

Seoses COVID-19 viiruse leviku ja vabariigi valitsuse poolt kehtestatud piirangutega ürituste korraldamisel, kontrollime sissepääsul COVID-19 tervisetõendit või teisi osalema lubavaid dokumente. Palume kohale tulla ajavaruga. Lisainfo on ära toodud ka osalemistingimustes.

Additional information: Anu Soomets, [email protected]

We ask any companies interested in presenting their products and services to send a letter to the e-mail [email protected].



09:00 – 10:00

Registration and morning coffee


10:00 – 11:45

SESSION 1: The world and the economy

10:00–10:15 Welcome!

Hando Sinisalu, journalist, founder and CEO at Best Marketing, Moderator of the Conference

10:15–11:00 Cloudy Waters: Steering post-Covid supply chains through the challenges to come

Len Pannett, President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), supply chain expert

The 2020 Covid pandemic saw unprecedented disruption to supply chains globally. After focussing on the safety of their own personnel and their business continuity, many supply chain leaders were driven to accelerate changes to cope with the challenging conditions. In the gloom of the pandemic’s effects, there were several lessons learned that will continue to shape the needs of supply chains as we look to the post-Covid vaccine future. At the same time, supply chains have never had such a wealth of ideas, methodologies and tools at their disposal, complicating the choices that leaders must make. This talk will look at those key lessons and consider where supply chain leaders must focus to be better prepared to face the challenges to come.

11:00–11:45 Discussion: which signs should be taken into account in the economy?

Kaspar Oja, economist at Eesti Pank

Heido Vitsur, economic advisor to the President of Estonia

Raivo Vare, entrepreneur and economic expert

2021 should be a better year than 2020. Will the vaccination of people contribute to the new growth of the economy? What is the bigger picture regarding the current situation? What does the crisis actually mean for transport and supply chains? Which signs and metrics should be monitored in the economy in the near future, in order to make better decisions?

11:45 – 12:15

Coffee break & networking


12:15 – 13:45

SESSION 2: Best practice for measuring performance

12:15–12:55 Measuring performance and KPIs of the supply chain

Indrek Saul, growth coach

If you don’t measure, you cannot manage. But what is the best practice for measuring the performance of companies? What are the key performance indicators of a company and the supply chain, and how does one use these? Does the performance of the supply chain affect the performance of the company, and if so, then how?

12:55–13:20 The Pipelife experience: applying BI software in the supply chain

Anti Orav, CEO of Pipelife Eesti that produces pipe systems

Within the past five years, Pipelife’s operative focus has shifted from pipe production to the functioning of the supply chain. In the past year, the company had a digital audit performed, which helped to shape the overall picture and understand where the problems lie and what should be done. Pipelife has adopted new solutions both in logistics and production, and a lot of attention has been drawn to the quality of data. In the presentation, we will talk about how the company measures its performance and supply chain, and how this measurement has changed over time. Adopting new software has also played an important role – what kind of effect has this had on performance? Has the coronavirus crisis changed anything in measurement, and if so, then what? The presentation will also discuss people.

13:20–13:45 Alexela's experience: Measurement guarantees results only if you measure the right things

Tarmo Kärsna Member of the Management Board at Alexela

As a fuel retailer, Alexela's supply chain is different from that of a traditional dealer. Does this mean that the metrics are different? In the presentation, we will hear about Alexela's experience in formulating goals, selecting appropriate key metrics, and using business analytics.

13:45 – 14:40

Lunch & networking


14:40 – 16:15

SESSION 3: Systems for measuring procurement and purchase management

14:40–15:10 Procurement and purchase activity as important parts of the supply chain, but not only

Kerttily Golubeva, expert and coach of procurement and supply chain management, lecturer at TalTech and the Tallinn School of Economics

Every function always has an input and an output. What is the role of procurement and purchase activity when supply chain processes are managed from consumer wishes to production? How about when the supply chain is viewed as a journey of goods from suppliers to production?

15:10–15:30 Experience: from the need of the consumer to production

Joonas Lahe, former head of the Estonian and Latvian supply chain of Carlsberg Group, and current supply chain manager of the chemical company Chemi-Pharm

The supply chain is one of the basic pillars of every production company in bringing their strategic vision to life. When there is no harmony between commercial activities and the supply chain, the organisation becomes deadlocked. In the presentation, we will cover how to set up the system of managing supply chain performance in such a way that it would support bringing the company strategy to life.

15:30–15:50 The Comudule experience: formation of the supply chain and key performance indicators

Brit Vaga, supply chain manager at Comodule

Comodule is a rapidly growing manufacturer and lessor of electric scooters, that has now also fired up their very own factory. How has the start-up been able to accomplish good performance in the supply chain and in production activity? In the presentation, we will hear in more detail about the company’s experience so far, from sourcing production and purchase activities, to opening their own factory and setting up their own procurement and purchase activities. How does the implementation of the system of metrics fare, and what are the key factors in achieving good performance of the start-up?

15:50–16:15 The SEB experience: purchasing and measuring services

Kaspar Kivistik, Head of the Procurement Department at SEB Eesti

What role does a procurement department play in a financial company, and what does a service company have to do with the supply chain? In the presentation, we will focus on the work of the procurement department of SEB Bank, and will investigate the role of the department in the company and which metrics are being used. Does this differ from the work of the procurement department of a production company, and if so, then how? We ask, has measuring changed over time and how, as well as how are metrics communicated?

16:15 – 16:30

Splitting up into workshops and company visits


16:30 – 18:30


Sven Uustalu Product Manager of Value Added Services at Telema

Raul Silde Head of Implementation Department at Telema

MIT Beer game – Challenge of Supply Chain Management (In Estonian) At the request of the participants, the world’s most famous supply chain management game will be back at the Pärnu Supply Chain Conference. MIT Beer game was created in the 1960s by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In this simulation, too, metrics and people’s responses to measuring the results play a key role. The game has been played by tens of thousands of people all over the world, from students to managers of large companies. In Estonia, there are more than 120 teams. Come and put your skills to test and compare your results with other teams!

Pre-registration is open

16:30 – 18:00


Len Pannett, President of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP), supply chain expert

Building a Metrics-Driven Supply Chain (in English) Len presents a framework to identify the right metrics, define them, populate them, present them. I take the participants through the steps and we discuss the barriers that they've faced today. I also introduce the use of automation (including RPA) to collect and present data.

Pre-registration is closed

16:30 – 18:00


Indrek Saul Growth coach

Determining the strategic metrics of a company (in Estonian) In the practical workshop, we determine the strategic metrics for a company, using the objective tree method.

For this, we combine:

  • the vision and ambition of the company;
  • the strategic goals and sources of growth that are necessary to achieve the vision;
  • engines of growth and efficiency (such as the number of customers, number of orders, price, changing direct expenditure) that determine the performance indicators of a company;
  • activities and developments that affect these engines. Next, we prioritise these activities and developments by their effect on the engines and get to know the key activities that must definitely be measured using performance indicators.

Then, we define the metrics – how to measures these, in which measurement units, how often, and who does the measuring. Pre-registration is closed

16:30 – 18:20

Company Visits

Company Visits will be guided in Estonian language without translation.



The first conference day will end at the Science Centre Ahhaa (Sadama 1) with a buffet dinner, networking, and music made by a pop-electronic duo Púr Múdd .




Konverentsi materjalide ja sisu kopeerimine, salvestamine, reprodutseerimine või levitamine on ilma AS Äripäeva kirjaliku nõusolekuta keelatud.

Korraldaja võib üritusel teha pilte, videoid ja helisalvestisi ning jagada neid nii osalejatega kui ka avalikes meediakanalites, samuti kasutada sarnaste ürituste turundamiseks.
Täpsemat teavet andmete kasutamise kohta leiab Äripäeva Privaatsustingimustest.

Kui soovite tutvustada oma ettevõtet konverentsil, siis võtke ühendust [email protected]  või 667 0105.



Palume teatada mitteosalemisest kirjalikult vähemalt 10 tööpäeva enne ürituse toimumist aadressil [email protected] .
Sellisel juhul tagastame laekunud osalustasu või tühistame veel tasumata arve.

Kui teatate mitteosalemisest 5-9 tööpäeva enne konverentsi kuulub tasumisele 50% arvest.
Kui teatate mitteosalemisest hiljem või unustate teatada, osalustasu ei tagastata ja tasumisele kuulub 100% arvest.

Asukoht ja kontaktid


Tartu Concert Hall Vanemuine
© AS Äripäev 2000-2025
  • Aadress: Vana-Lõuna 39/1, 19094 Tallinn
  • Klienditugi: 667 0099 (8:15-17:00)
  • E-post: [email protected]