09:00 – 09:30
Morning coffee
90p 20t 32m
Paljude bestsellerite autor ja suurte konverentsilavade megastaar Michael Bungay Stanier, aka MBS, esineb Tallinnas!
Teeme mõned asjad kohe selgeks:
Aga mida sa siis saad?
Michael Bungay Stanieri neuroteadusele ja käitumisökonoomikale toetuv meistriklass hommikupoolses osas, meie endi eestimaised kogemuslood ja juhtumite analüüs koos Stanieriga konverentsi pärastlõunases osas toetavad oskust, kuidas olla pisut kauem uudishimulik ning tormata pisut aeglasemalt nõu andma. See sinu inimestele (sh klientidele ja isegi abikaasale) meeldiks!
Konverentsi korraldavad ühisprojektina Äripäev ja EBS:
09:00 – 09:30
Morning coffee
09:30 – 09:40
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
09:40 – 11:00
Say Less, Ask More
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
You’ll learn:
How to stop the chit chat and get into real conversations
The hardest question to answer for the ambitious leader
Three reasons why we’re all solving the wrong problems
The most powerful question in the world
The neuroscience of engagement
11:00 – 11:30
Energy break
11:30 – 13:00
The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
You’ll learn:
The difference between Easy Change and Hard Change, and the connection to You 2.0
Who the three Advice Monsters are (Tell-It, Save-It, and Control-It), and how to tame them in yourself and others
New questions and new ways to work with questions in combination
What the heck the six Foggy-fiers are and how they get in the way of getting clear on the real challenge
13:00 – 14:00
We provide lunch
14:00 – 14:10
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
14:10 – 14:20
My Story: The Question I Didn’t Ask
Eero Sikka Leadership Consultant and Coach
We were at a crossroads—my client faced a decision that could change everything. This was the moment for the perfect question, the one that would unlock clarity and direction. But as I sat there, something unexpected happened that shifted the entire conversation. What unfolded next taught me more about coaching than any question ever could.
14:20 – 14:30
My Story: How I Bewildered People With My Questions
Raili Reial Head of Risk Product Development Department, SEB Life and Pension Baltic
Sometimes it’s quite challenging to get people to talk. I decided to use the lovely open questions from Michael Bungay Stanier’s book and keep myself from chiming in.
It did not go too smoothly at first, and my Baltic team was rather confused.
My story is about the tricky moments in using open questions and what happened to my people and myself.
14:30 – 14:40
My Story
14:40 – 14:50
My Story: Are You Steering Your Team or Just Rowing Harder? Insights from the Boat
Allar Raja Estonian Olympic athlete
What happens when you stop giving advice and start asking questions?
14:50 – 15:00
My Story: Resolving Contradictions Through Questions
Mailiis Ploomann Head of Consumer Business Unit, Member of the Board, Elisa Estonia
15:00 – 15:10
My Story: Embarking on the Neverending Journey of Self-Improvement
Karl Multer Marketing and Communication Expert
15:10 – 16:00
Practice, Practice and... Practice Again
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
Andero Keronen Co-founder, CEO, No Bananas
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
Let's take 2-3 experiences we just heard and ask Stanier and Estonian business leader for a comment. Q&A
16:00 – 17:00
Book Signing. Networking. Wine. Music.
90p 20t 32m
Paljude bestsellerite autor ja suurte konverentsilavade megastaar Michael Bungay Stanier, aka MBS, esineb Tallinnas!
Teeme mõned asjad kohe selgeks:
Aga mida sa siis saad?
Michael Bungay Stanieri neuroteadusele ja käitumisökonoomikale toetuv meistriklass hommikupoolses osas, meie endi eestimaised kogemuslood ja juhtumite analüüs koos Stanieriga konverentsi pärastlõunases osas toetavad oskust, kuidas olla pisut kauem uudishimulik ning tormata pisut aeglasemalt nõu andma. See sinu inimestele (sh klientidele ja isegi abikaasale) meeldiks!
Konverentsi korraldavad ühisprojektina Äripäev ja EBS:
09:00 – 09:30
Morning coffee
09:30 – 09:40
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
09:40 – 11:00
Say Less, Ask More
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
You’ll learn:
How to stop the chit chat and get into real conversations
The hardest question to answer for the ambitious leader
Three reasons why we’re all solving the wrong problems
The most powerful question in the world
The neuroscience of engagement
11:00 – 11:30
Energy break
11:30 – 13:00
The Advice Trap: Be Humble, Stay Curious
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
You’ll learn:
The difference between Easy Change and Hard Change, and the connection to You 2.0
Who the three Advice Monsters are (Tell-It, Save-It, and Control-It), and how to tame them in yourself and others
New questions and new ways to work with questions in combination
What the heck the six Foggy-fiers are and how they get in the way of getting clear on the real challenge
13:00 – 14:00
We provide lunch
14:00 – 14:10
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
14:10 – 14:20
My Story: The Question I Didn’t Ask
Eero Sikka Leadership Consultant and Coach
We were at a crossroads—my client faced a decision that could change everything. This was the moment for the perfect question, the one that would unlock clarity and direction. But as I sat there, something unexpected happened that shifted the entire conversation. What unfolded next taught me more about coaching than any question ever could.
14:20 – 14:30
My Story: How I Bewildered People With My Questions
Raili Reial Head of Risk Product Development Department, SEB Life and Pension Baltic
Sometimes it’s quite challenging to get people to talk. I decided to use the lovely open questions from Michael Bungay Stanier’s book and keep myself from chiming in.
It did not go too smoothly at first, and my Baltic team was rather confused.
My story is about the tricky moments in using open questions and what happened to my people and myself.
14:30 – 14:40
My Story
14:40 – 14:50
My Story: Are You Steering Your Team or Just Rowing Harder? Insights from the Boat
Allar Raja Estonian Olympic athlete
What happens when you stop giving advice and start asking questions?
14:50 – 15:00
My Story: Resolving Contradictions Through Questions
Mailiis Ploomann Head of Consumer Business Unit, Member of the Board, Elisa Estonia
15:00 – 15:10
My Story: Embarking on the Neverending Journey of Self-Improvement
Karl Multer Marketing and Communication Expert
15:10 – 16:00
Practice, Practice and... Practice Again
Michael Bungay Stanier Award-winning author, teacher and speaker
Andero Keronen Co-founder, CEO, No Bananas
Peep Aaviksoo Conference Moderator
Let's take 2-3 experiences we just heard and ask Stanier and Estonian business leader for a comment. Q&A
16:00 – 17:00
Book Signing. Networking. Wine. Music.
Hind | Soodushind kuni 31.03.2025 | Osalejaid | |
Michael Bungay Stanier Tallinnas! | 499,00 € 608,78 € km-ga 499,00 € | 429,00 € 523,38 € km-ga 429,00 € 523,38 € km-ga | |
Michael Bungay Stanier Tallinnas! 3+ osalejat | 499,00 € 608,78 € km-ga 499,00 € | 399,00 € 486,78 € km-ga 399,00 € 486,78 € km-ga |
Michael Bungay Stanier Tallinnas! OsalejaidHind 499,00 € 608,78 € km-ga 499,00 € 429,00 € 523,38 € km-ga 429,00 € 523,38 € km-ga |
Michael Bungay Stanier Tallinnas! 3+ osalejat OsalejaidHind 499,00 € 608,78 € km-ga 499,00 € 399,00 € 486,78 € km-ga 399,00 € 486,78 € km-ga |
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Korraldaja võib üritusel teha pilte, videoid ja helisalvestisi ning jagada neid nii osalejatega kui ka avalikes meediakanalites, samuti kasutada sarnaste ürituste turundamiseks.
Täpsemat teavet andmete kasutamise kohta leiab Äripäeva Privaatsustingimustest.
Kui soovite tutvustada oma ettevõtet konverentsil, siis võtke ühendust [email protected] või 667 0105.
Palume teatada mitteosalemisest kirjalikult vähemalt 10 tööpäeva enne ürituse toimumist aadressil [email protected] .
Sellisel juhul tagastame laekunud osalustasu või tühistame veel tasumata arve.
Kui teatate mitteosalemisest 5-9 tööpäeva enne konverentsi kuulub tasumisele 50% arvest.
Kui teatate mitteosalemisest hiljem või unustate teatada, osalustasu ei tagastata ja tasumisele kuulub 100% arvest.
Filmimuuseum Maarjamäe lossi pargis, Pirita tee 56